Monday, April 14, 2008

Turbo Turf Hydro Seeders

Good Day, Rittenhouse is now carrying the Turbo Turf line of Hydroseeding Equipment. Turbo Turf has been making hydro seeding systems since 1990. Turbo Turf Systems made a breakthrough with simple, lightweight, extremely powerful trouble free units that are used by thousands, including landscapers, lawncare operators, erosion control, cemeteries, parks etc. We are selling this line of machines only in Canada. The price for these units is much more affordable for the smaller contractors that can not justify the purchase of a mechanical agitation machine. The Turbo Turf Seeders are available from as small as 50 gallons to 1500 gallons. We have added some of the units to our site but more are being added daily. So check back for a wider selection soon.

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