Monday, July 28, 2008

Water Faucet Lock .. its Cuil

At Rittenhouse we move of large volume of Water Faucet locks. We particularily send many locks to the parched States in the American southwest, such as Arizona, California, Nevada and for some reason Colorado. We have added a new model to our line up. This new model allows you to have muliple units and use 1 single key to open all of them.

With the rising cost of water, we have heard many horror stories of stolen water from our customers. Many times they suspect its some nearby construction workers, or maybe the neighbor is filling up his pool while you are at work, or it could simply be some vandals who think it is funny to turn on your garden faucet and let your hard earned money spill all over the ground. No matter how it is happening, the end result is the same, a few weeks later you get a massive water bill from your local utility company. At that point we get a panicky phone call from the homeowner and they order locks and have them over nighted to them by UPS.

But, you can beat the rush and get your locks now before the water bandits strike your wallet! Click below to check out our newest locks.

Water Faucet Locks

There was some big news in the internet search world this morning, a brand new search engine. This search engine seems to have some heavy weights behind it, ex Google employees and some former person from Alta Vista. They have also tapped some of the high rolling Silicon Valley venture capital firms for backing. But I have to say, I am not overly impressed with the search results so far. It could very well be that they were not expecting such a massive amount of traffic on the first day, so I will reserve judgement. But go on over to Cuil and check it out yourself.

That is all, as you were.

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