Friday, July 10, 2009

Wow! We forgot to post in June.

Sorry about that .... we were so busy filling orders and getting them shipped that we were unable to blog about Rittenhouse for the entire month of June.

So, here are a few updates.

We have continued to expand our online presence during the last 4 weeks. Launching 3 new websites for specific niches. This will help people finding specific product groups without having to wade through the enormous Rittenhouse website. Using technology supplied by Amazon for a shopping cart and credit card clearing, these sites are sure to be a success.

The first one is called Theft Deterrents. Which features a few dozen products from the Rittenhouse line up that are for preventing thieves from stealing your mobile equipment, water, outdoor furniture, gasoline, construction equipment ... and many more items. These theft deterrents are mostly meant to slow down thieves or in many cases foil them from taking your stuff or the property of your company.

We love animals and birds. But sometimes a bird can be destructive and can nest or roost in a place that is annoying or damaging. Rather that hurt the birds or kill the birds these tiems will just scare them off and get them to go elsewhere. Take a look at Just Bird Control and start getting those winged critters off of your pond, roof, boat or garden and back into the trees where they are supposed to be.

At Rittenhouse we sell miles and miles of hose. Hoses for spraying equipment, industrial applications, watering, pressure washing or a thousand other applications. Watering hoses are a huge seller for Rittenhouse. So we have built a website that focuses on garden hose, soaker hose and indoor watering.

We plan on adding more websites over the next several weeks. Splintering off different sections of the main Rittenhouse website into their own micro websites for easy ordering. The pricing is normally the same between the Rittenhouse site and the newer focuses websites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Enjoyed going through it. Keep it up the good work. Cheers :) Beth